Anaya is the best sex ive ever had. she dominated me and made me here bitch.
she has a really nice and big cock and she fucks like a god.
ive made her cum, even tho she weren't supposed to because of her hormones.
after the sex we just laid in bed talking for a while, and she has a lovely personality.
the only negativ thing to say about meeting her is that you got to leave, because she is addictive.
Not that i know of. Got everything i wanted
Not that i know of. Got everything i wanted
The reason i dont give 5 star is because she is more of a crossdresser, but even so she looks very feminine and she 100% fulfill her Domina role. she is really pretty.
sometime in 2014 in Stavanger ( ill never forget )
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*) Anaya er også kendt som: Anaña, Bianca Marx, Sabrina Fontinny, Chumina og Sabrina