She open the door in sexy high heel black boots .She speak very good english, and plan what to do, and then we start kissing. Good tongue kiss, and then her cock was hard. she start with a perfect rimming, kiss my ash so good. after that she fuck me in different possissen in 15 min, and then i fuck her hard. Her cock is hard all the time. perfect size for me. i thing bigger then she orpmise. After that she give me golden shower in mouth and over my body. then she fuck me again, and i fuck her, and she give me big dildo, until i come.She was in good mute and smiling and easy to talk with. And no rush at all. IN the end she wash me. perfect 1 hour. I Will be back again.
yes, and more then that.
no menu, but get what i wont.
5 stars for lots of good sex both way, and good tongue kiss.and golden shower.
26 nov, Odense
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*) Salai er også kendt som: Naomi