I had gathered courage for a while and lusted after trying a shemale. The choice fell on Ellen. We agreed that she should be dresset up in lacquer and be dominant ..... and she was ... she welcomed me and we sorted out the practical things. First a bath, etc. then I was put on my knees and then I had to lick her hard and stiff. she started by just standing there and enjoying it but she became more and more dominant and forced her cock down my throat so that the tears started running down my cheeks until she came in my mouth. when she was pushing her cock into me she was so big that it hurt. she was very cautious but certainly persistant .. I could not really cope with her before she gave me poppers and then she got it in .... nice and calm but she's a little devll and soon she was pounding my ass while she held her hand over my mouth ..... she turned me onto my back and took me while I got more poppers she could suck me while she was fucking me .... a limber little devil .... she kept on until I came.
A complete experience
Superb service
september 2016
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*) Ellen ist auch bekannt als: Bianca Gold