First visit, typical two call system, a bit distant on phone, but direct and uncomplicated. Arrived at her room to a warm welcome, Zen wearing the faintest whisper of a slip, her beauty overwhelming. I was completely disarmed by her intense femininity. She led me to her bed with an endearing ramble of chit-chat, my arm in hers, my intoxication complete. Lightly brushing my neck, she asked if I was comfortable, a hint that it was time to disrobe. I hurriedly took off my shirt and as I fumbled with my pants I halfway fell into her, our lips meeting. She pulled me tight, her scent filled me with desire. The next hour was a blur of passion. I felt as though I was the center of her world for that time. We talked for a while afterwards, she never looked at the clock or her constantly chiming phone. She is a remarkable person.
Yes, I wasn't expecting to fall in love.
No, she gave me everything, I am still haunted by her memory.
She is an incredibly smart and sensitive person. Please treat her with respect.
Washington DC 2016
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*) Zen is also known as: Bella and Lady Belle