Really good sex, But! I get a deal with Belladenise when I arived I was told that I should wait for 5 minutes because she was not quite ready. Which really is fine, because I do like to have the best experience possible. It ends up with that she lets me wait for 25 minutes, not cool especially in the rain ... I come up, and have to admit I considered leaving. She is quite masculine and basically just a man with long hair. I then settled in, and then begins the Act. She knows what she's doing and is really really good I must empathize this, it seems like she really enjoys it. Do not complain about the sex, because she absolutely mastered that. On the other hand, I must say that her cock is a little special, it seems as if something has been done to get it that thick! All in all, I came out from a good experience with mixed feelings.
Both yes and no
Inspite of other 5 star reviews. I cant get close to 5 stars with this masculine body. Additionally, I am not crazy about waiting and her cock was strange.
Copenhagen 2016
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*) Belladenise is also known as: Aythama and Kelly