Absolutely amazing body and dick, photos are very real, she looks the same as in her photos. welcomed me with a charming smile, she has pretty eyes, wearing a hot black dress she welcomed me with kisses and pushed me into her couch, made me warm up her cock this big rocket thing started growing in my mouth I wasn't able to take it all but she is too dominant. She started to fuck my face I felt it going down my throat. took everything off, she turned me on with her huge dick twice as big as mine, felt humiliated, she told me she wants to fuck me but I have never tried such a huge thing. she lubed my ass and stretched it, I had to beg her to enter her dick slowly because she was so eager and exited. the first penetration was very difficult for me as her dick kept going more and more in but as soon as I got used to it it felt amazing. she destroyed me during 30 min. and finally she exploded on my face .
Yes thank god yeahhhh
I will repeat for sure!
Amsterdam, 11/01/2019
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*) Maxima es también conocido como: Sienna y Laureana Alvear