She said I was too big for her

Review by: Eron
Published: 1381273850000
Anmeldelse er tilgjengelig på følgende språk:


Her place is not suitable for this kind of meetings. It is equiped with a single bed in a very small room. She was sweet enough, but it was an incredibly bad experience.

She said I was too big for her and she could not get hard enough to be active, so it ended up in a little Swedish and French, but overall, not worth the 800 kr that I paid for 30 min. which lasted about 15

She was unshaven both top and bottom. With small black hairs on the breasts, which were otherwise well made.

Did she live up to your expectations?

No, she could not give or receive Greek.

Did she deny you anything on her menu?

Yes got no to both the Greek to her and to me.

Comment to the rating

She was sweet enough, so she gets 2 star but the place and the service was poor.

Time and place of the experience

September in the inner city/Copenhagen.

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