Meet Aysha in her centrally located apartment. After easily arranging a time(she has excellent English) I proceeded to her location. Upon arriving I was met at the door by a tall, tanned, beautiful women in sexy black lingerie.
We talked a small bit and from there Aysha invited me to lay on her bed. Once there she began to nibble on my balls and deep throat my cock. It was all to much for me and I blew my load in her mouth. I thought I just spent all that money on 5mins.
Wrong! Than the real party stated. She proceed to fuck me and wank me with a flesh light at the same time in missionary. Slowly working her 8 inch penis inside to begin with. Once she saw I was comfortable with her deep inside me she pounded me hard. Her balls where ferociously slapping my arse. I thought I was was in heaven. After she had enough of pounding me she laid on top of me and feed her cock in my mouth. It tasted amazing. After 30mins of total domination I needed the toilet. When I returned she was sat on the edge of the bed. She said get on your knees and suck my dick. Sounded great so that’s exactly what I done. We finished as we started. Me in missionary getting fucked and wanked simultaneously. Felt like a scene from Ts domination.
Yes amazing experience. Will definitely repeat. She is way more beautiful and sexy in real life. Very toned and slim body.
No everything was available.
Professional service. No clock watching, smelt great and was very clean.
45mins in Cork City.
N: 2
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*) Aysha Garbatelli også kjent som: Agatha Sweet