Samantha Ferro er i: Barcelona, Spanien

Ring til mig på: (+34) 697866828

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  • Størrelse
    21 cm
  • Alder
    33 år
  • Højde
    168 cm
  • Vægt
    60 kg
  • Type
  • Nationalitet
    Spanien, Europæiske Union
  • Sprog
    engelsk, spansk, portugisisk, italiensk
  • My cam chat
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  • My Social media
  • Modtager
SEÑORITA FERRO ¡Yo también hablo inglés! Una masajista muy diferente. Todo un culto al erotismo en un ambiente muy distinguido, discreto y en camilla ¡¡¡Sin engaños!!!. Rompe con lo convencional para dar paso a lo maravilloso del masaje y el lenguaje Corporal.
Tekst findes på følgende sprog:


DANISH NUMBER 45 5527 6505

I search for serious men who know What do they want, not negotiate my prices please do not ask. All work by appointment with at least half hour before, do not answer private number. Spanish naturalized

Experienced with beginners too. Nothing is the same with me. I like to keep the pace of the relationship and am active or passive depending on your tastes and like to develop our meeting. I make your experience unique and complete personal and active, passive, and transformism domination.

Training. Adaptable. Sympathetic. Seductive. Sexy.

Slowly, but once you know that, I catch you in the game more morbid erotic and elegant you've ever tasted. Beginner's care. I wrap in my game and in my hands you abandon. You just go because you know that from now begins, really, good. Subjugated fall at my feet and not have a no for anything you propose. You come to know the true ecstasy trans and I'm willing to give it.

Lust, passion and good taste are mixed in to give me a wonderful cocktail erotic hardly find anywhere else.

My goal is your satisfaction, so your best bet is to call me and I'll report in person to the services I can offer.

Do not hesitate, love... Wrap yourself in my game of pleasure and nothing will seem the same after knowing me.

Kisses ... and soon!

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