Trans Pia er i: Helsinki, Finland

Ring til mig på: +358 44 931 7457

Skriv til mig på:
WhatsApp: +358 44 931 7457
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  • Størrelse
    15x15 cm
  • Alder
    28 år
  • Højde
    168 cm
  • Vægt
    57 kg
  • Type
  • Nationalitet
  • Sprog
  • My cam chat
  • My OnlyFans
  • My Social media
  • Modtager

Singaporean Trans Girl In Helsinki

Hello Gentlemen,

Im Pia from Singapore.I am a lovely, smart and wickedly sexy trans girl with a sweet attitude and lovely smile. As soon as you meet me you’ll feel so relaxed that you’ll think we’ve been lovers for ages. I have a petite, sexy, feminine body with fair and glowing skin that will have you dying to hold me close to you. My firm ass will feed your growing excitement as we lie together while engaging in sensual touching and fondling before the amazing intimacy to come.

My photos are all recent and 100% real, many of my clients tell me that I am even prettier and more feminine in reality than I appear in my photos. I promise you will not be disappointed, I know that there are many fakes out there. I am the genuine one you have been looking for.

Your visit with me will leave you wishing for more and wanting to visit me again and again. I’ll be just like the girlfriend you love to be with and my natural femininity will leave you with sweet unforgettable memories long after our time together. Call me now and become one of my limited intimate clients.

Text or call : +358 44 931 7457


Se profilens fotogalleri under dette banner

N: 2

I sucked her cock and she came in my mouth


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