Donatela er i: Madrid, Spanien

Ring til mig på: 632145620

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  • Størrelse
    22x8 cm
  • Alder
    30 år
  • Højde
    175 cm
  • Vægt
    68 kg
  • Type
  • Nationalitet
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  • Modtager
Pollona 22

For the first time in your city...The Venezuelan filly...m real...come and enjoy a chocolate...
A luxurious VENEZUELANat your fingertips, one of the most complete and desired transvestites in Spain! Hello, I'm DONATELLA, 30 years old, VENEZUELAN trans, beautiful mulatto, honey eyes and honey lips, spectacular body, playboy breasts. 22m real safe and powerful. I am as seen in the photos If you are a demanding gentleman with a desire to meet a distinguished and affectionate trans. I can receive you in my very located, air-conditioned apartment where I receive you very sexy and alone with complete privacy and discretion, if you want I can also visit you at your hotel or home, always very discreet. You will not want anything. Change of roles, mutual, he blurts out beginners, couples, and very demanding with the most vicious, I don't think you'll get over me, and we set up the that he likes the most. I love that he eats her raw. I am your perfect lover! Active, e. I do all kinds of : , brown, cross-dressing, dare, call me Experience all your desires and fantasies with me, which will be ed satisfactorily. I've got !!! I am private, not an agency... to consult. !!! *** your meeting of pleasure when choosing *** 24 hours. !!! I wait for you DONATELLA Photos 

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